“Serve and give freely that which you have received freely. May our life of holiness be permeated by this openness of heart, so that the gratuitousness of God – the graces that He wishes to give us without cost – may enter our hearts.”

K-6th Grade Catechist - Do you enjoy spending time with little ones and teaching the basics of our Catholic faith? We need warm, energetic, and patient adults to lead our children during some of the most formative years of their life.
MS Discipleship Group Leaders - We are in need welcoming, fun-loving parishioners to help lead discussion for a small group of middle school or high school students during weekly Faith Formation on Wednesday evenings from 6pm-7pm.
HS Discipleship Group Leaders - Want to accompany teens through the beginnings of their young adult lives in the Church? We need adults who are passionate about preparing students for Confirmation and the mission of the Church. High school students gather at least twice each month to grow deeper in their knowledge of the Catholic faith, to pray together, and to spend time in fellowship with one another.
Welcome Team - Are you more of a behind-the-scenes kind of person with a knack for hospitality? We need parishioners who value all that our cluster offers and is looking to give back through the preparation of food, environment-building, greeting, and other support.
Liturgical Roles - Do you desire to volunteer your gifts during Holy Mass and other liturgical rites and celebrations? We need parishioners of all ages to step forward and help create reverent worship.